Thor in the flesh!

That's right fan boys & girls, here is a "freaking" official image of the God of Thunder, Thor!

Chris Hemsworth looks like he could damn well fill the shoes of Thor! This 26-year-old
Australian dazzled us as Captain James T. Kirk's father in last year's Star Trek, & now
he has cashed in on yet another nerd's fantasy.

To the looks of it, Marvel Comics editor-in-chief, Joe Quesada's costume did not make
the cut in the final design but! This costume was designed by Oscar winner Alexandra Byrne.
From the looks of it, "The Heroic Age" as caught his eye. This latest costume was inspired by
the version of the character from the comic books drawn by French artist Olivier Coipel.

Make sure your well equipped for this GOD to decent upon the Earth. Thor will be directed
by Kenneth Branagh & will also include big budget stars, Anthony Hopkins & Natalie
Portman. Thunder Strikes with a BANG! May 6, '11.

Where there is light, there must also be darkness.

Introducing the Destroyer. Forged by Odin himself, this weapon is used by Thor's
arch-foe Loki on several occasions, & each time has actually come close to killing Thor.

Iron Man 2 review

Got an unsuspected call from Faizal "the comic book guy" Mukhtar! He asked,
watch Iron Man 2?" "I" being a geeky/nerd, without taking my breath
said YES! The rest was history!

It was a premier for all ye media freaks, no hand-phone or electronic devices are allowed
in the cinema but this! Bein' Malaysia, the movie started late & there was a tone of "old"
trailers & a freaking' annoying voice was repeating "Please Ladies & Gentleman, switch off
your hand-phones & all electronic devices, you will be asked to leave if you are seen with

a device or "some shi+ like that"
. It was like nails hammed in my ears! Like a spell to turn
me into a dumb a$$ zombie!

The movie began! Hell Yeah! This usual suspect was all about the humor & the
freaking sarcastic'ness. It was more about the "Man" then the "Iron". Mr. Robert Downey Jr.
filled the shoes of Anthony Stark with flying colors, as if the role was handed down to him
by the all mighty Odin himself!

As any "normal" sequel, this movie is about a hero's journey to redemption & doing the right
stuff. It falls short on some action sequences but delivers as a cheeky comic comedy. The
strong "accent" performances from Rourke was kinda satisfying. He makes a good villain
but! His final showdown didn't really end up as a big bang! Which was a terrific disappointment!
In my view of course, every guy has is entitle to his own opinion right bub'?

On the other hand, if your a fan-boy, you will love the small tiny ester eggs found in the
movie. Oh! Wait! Don't go anywhere after the movie is over, stay, enjoy the credits roll on
by & only then will you witness the best part of this movie! It was way better then
witnessing Pamela "freaking" Anderson doin' her frequent run on the beaches of Baywatch,
believe that!

PLUS! Banner wont be in the Avengers!?
According to movieweb, it would seem that Marvel Studios President of Production,
Kevin Fiege has confirmed that at least "the not so jolly green giant", Hulk will make
his presences known on May, 4 '12 release of "The Avengers", BUT! It is still uncertain
that actor Edward Norton who played the Hulk's nerdy alter-ego, Bruce Banner in last
year's Incredible Hulk movie will "freaking" be in it or not. Its all in the hand of people's

How can this freaking be!? A Hulk without his Banner? Its freaking impossible!
Would they do a Superman movie without Sups wearing his underwear outside? Or

A Kick-Ass movie without the swearing? A love comedy without the love!? Hope
Mr.Norton finds his rage & return as the Hulk.

As for another Hulk movie, we can expect to see more of this monster after The Avengers
movie has been dealt with!

FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

Ahem! This ain't no Revoltech figure, but a PlayArts figure bub'

AHHHHHH!!!! S.H Figure!!! DAMN!!! YOU!!!

quote of the day!
Spare us your professional annotations, Mr. Finch. They are irrelevant.
-Sutler- V for Vendetta

This 1 is for you "high" Asses!

If your "high" on alcohol or on the pill or even on glue, you would probably see
the world differently. You brain & eyes would have some sort of connection
failure. Just from a split second in that time-line, these "high" people would
probably get to see themselves way better than the truth is...

FIGURES - coming to a store near you!



Mr.Edwin! Dont Climax!

Chick & a 1:1 scale toy, a perfect brew!