"I" invade Japan!

YES! Its as true as a girl's monthly PMS! "I" the "freaking" writer was taken notice
by a Japanese website & was told that my blog was interesting! Who knew? My web
crib is going off-shore baby!
Japan's Ulti-Fan, YUKI has even wrote a description about
yours truly. DAMN! "I" am so freaking excited even reading about this! Whoop-pi-do!
Here's the

For those who are too lazy! to open up the link, here's what da' description says :.

He is an Otaku & love anything love to do with Japan.Working as a Graphic Artist 
in Malaysia. Post many interesting article related to Otaku, and Japan. Please check his blog!

& in the original mother tongue of the country:.


Which translates:.
He is a blogger of a geek resident in Malaysia. Because I play an active part as a
graphic artist, I write the article about design. It is English, but I use many a lot
of images, and please watch it because there are many interesting articles.

The grammar may not be The Queen's perfect English but

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