ZERO Button Watch!

This may very be the most freakin' awesome watch ever created! DAMN! The
concept is just out of this world! "I" want 1! This masterpiece was designed by
Robert Dabi thus! A new way to show time is creative.

ZERO wrist watch from Robert Dabi on Vimeo.

PLUS! Kick Ass New Extended Movie Trailer
......Too bad, Malaysia wont show this on the Silver screen....

BONUS! All about me web-crib!
Ah! Today marks a date that my blog made history! My web crib made a new
count of 300
unique visitors! & they were mostly from Japan! Why? "you" the
reader may ponder? Cause of me
anime tattoo post "I" posted awhile back.

"I" finally made it as Blogger United's popular blogger of the day! Finally!
"I" know, "I" may not be the most out goin' blogger in town but "I" do try to comment
on other peep's blogs & visit more blogs with interesting post. My goal this year is not
to be too shy, both in the WWW & the "live" world. In the blogging world & my job as a
designer / marketing executive may very be my stepping stone to a more out going new

FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

"I" like soo putting this on my Christmas tree this year

quote of the day!
These obscenities that man has created, the corruption, the pollution, all these must
be annihilated, nature will reclaim its dominion, the Earth will breathe again; but first
must come the apocalypse.

-X (1996)- Kanoe

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