2D girls win again!

It would seem that the "never-ending" battle against the 2D chicks continues,
as "live-action" females says that they have no "freaking" confidence in
winning back their boyfriend from the non-existent clutches of a 2D girl.

In Japan, 53% gave victory to the "untouchable" 2D chick & 47% had the confidence
to K.O the challenger.

In the same situation, 20% voiced out that they wouldn’t really mind, 45% said that
they would like him to stop! & 28% would just like him not to do it in front of them (an
affair?). Only 7% would dump the "otaku" male. The
Nene threat seems appears great
indeed, to these females at least.

Some defeated women report their feelings:
"There’s no way I can beat that level of cuteness."
"Their personalities are nice and they have no flaws. Complete perfection."
"They’re made to be the ideal girlfriend after all."
"Because he has a manual any man can enjoy a game as much as he likes."

While others are optimistic:
"A game can only play out as it is programmed to."
"The girl in a game can’t offer the human warmth a real woman can."
"The unpredictability of reality is a charm unto itself."
"There’s no way a mere game could win against a real woman like me!"

FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

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