Design for a Memorial

My another 1st design, it‘s an unfortunate event to place my design in, but “I” was
requested to do so. “I” ask myself, what does it take to design a Memorial? My task
was simple & yet it nearly brought tears to my eyes, 4 poster designs. Scanning through
a sea of photos, finding the right ones for his memorial poster. As “I” scanned through,
“I” realised he had a smile that could melt dictator’s heart, seriously! The years of photos,
“I” witness my beloved Pastor, thr gain weight through the years, “I” saw the lives he touched,
countries that accepted him into their homes, people of every colour wrapping their hands
around him, events of happiness & the growth of the church he built, a church that will
carry on his legacy.

He was Benjamin Z. Okorie, a Pastor of Sanctuary Praise International Church. He may
be gone but as long as he's in our hearts, he will live on forever.

& as “I” am doing my last design for him, my mind keeps on replaying the goodness that
he showered me with.

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