Sakae & 8TV Cross-over!

Hello blog! Long time no see! Well, sorry for not updating ya', but as time goes
by, my mortal life seem to be filled with a an old person famous phrase, "I'm busy".
that's right! Sakae has taken hold my life & left it as busy as a whore working
her ass off! Last week was a 7 day "freaking" working week, Monday to Sunday & guess
what!? Its Monday again, DAMN! How time flies, when your havin' fun huh.

8TV's Anniversary, our beloved company was among the few, chosen to
sponsor 8TV's meals & prizes. Thus! We was given a "freaking'ly" unique chance for
our brand to appear LIVE on television, hell yeah! Sound easy? Hell no! As leader of
this pack, "I" the writer has to coordinate with the chef on how much food to pack,
the items to bring & not to mention, care for me younglings.

Along the way, another word came to play, "urgent". Sakae Sushi's store card had to
be printed & delivered on Monday, so...after the delivery of the goods, "I" had to literally
run back to HQ, do the final design & make sure it was send to the all might printer!
Believe that!

After running here & there, my "make up" was melted away like ice in an oven. Standing
like a alien in a sea of gorgeous people, "I" felt like "unique". Walked round, looking at the
"celebrities" which "I" didn't even recognized, due to the lack to TV watching, "I" was
amazed by how many peeps filled this "free" event.

Games were played, food was given away like hot-cakes & did "I" mention that the chicks
were awesome? DAMN! For example, a chick in a shot skirt playing a traditional game on
the floor, she kept pulling her skirt longer like it was actually gonna grow like a bean-stalk.
Common! Well, lets just hope your wearing some pants under there bub', you can never
know if a person might take a "wide-shot" & post your "exposure" on the WWW. None the
less, "I" think, she's a celebrity trying to mingle with the crowd, so that a plus point!

As assigned, my job was to take as many pictures of our "booth" as possible. A
booth which displayed snacks from yester-year & not to mention, Sakae Sushi's
outstanding green. A 60's theme with a mix of "futurism" if you will. Its was
Ho-Chiak's booth for their LIVE shoot. Yeap! this is my 1st time hearing of such
a show & the stars in it. Thus! Our beloved manager wanted to add these star
quality to Sakae's brand, a very silent hard-sell sniper.

It was Live TV & "I" was in it! DAMMN! My 3rd time on the tele! Bo ya!

After all said & done, the LIVE was made, next on the menu, prize give away.
If you wanna see chaos, give away FREE products at a stall, people will rush
in like it was the end of the world & it was their only way to survive.

Most of them were elderly folks, they huff & puff & pushed, even the table gave
way. The crew was kinda pissed, shouting & raising their voice as high as a woman
in labor! Even blackmailed the people, "If you dont line up in 1 line, I will not give
you", where do you normally hear this line? Oh! Ya, school!

Sunday! Yet another 8TV event, tonton was about to shoot their Chinese New Year
special at our beloved IOI outlet. It was a food review, interview with the chef, try
the various types of Sakae's range & also talk the talk. This was pretty easy, not as
stressing as yesterday's event.

New faces be-withed me yet again, they were DJs & "I" didn't know who in the blue hell
they were! Too much "on-screen" TV "I" guess...They were a friendly & fun group, with
each dish out, they faces would light up like the 1st of January. So it was fun to watch!

When she entered, "I" was shocked! It was my fellow PJ College junior! She
took up a new
"on-stage" name & the produced the show! Awww they grow
up fast don't they?

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