Transformers 3: Sentinel Prime exposed!

Oh happy day! Empire Magazine dazzles us with a front cover, the 1st ever exposure
of Sentinel Prime in the upcoming Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon. Not only that, this
issue also reveals an all new Optimus Prime, with huge guns.

A tiny spoiler alert! Read if you want to be teased! Empire Magazine's article reveals,
if a bot is gonna "kick the bucket", its most certainly will kick the bucket! Another
major change to the Dark of the Moon is, the storyline will have more emotional moments
along side with some huge ass kicking action, explosion scenes. Also! Sentinel Prime is
OPs big bro & mentor! DAMMN!

There's more, the question of who was in the teaser trailer is unleashed! Apollo 11
intercepted with Sentinel Prime in the Ark that crashed on the moon.

So, whats new with OP? Well the article doesn't revealed much, other than
Starscream & Shockwave will get more buddies to join their fight, & not many
"human incests" will be involved in the
big battle scene Chicago, YAHOOOO!!!

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