Kate Middleton Want to wear evening dress design Victoria Beckham

Kate Middleton claimed to be interested in dresses designed by Victoria Beckham. The plan, Prince Williams pair will honeymoon in Australia and she wanted to wear evening dress designed.
“Victoria’s claim to be happy, she liked the dress design, he will be happy to give tips on how to integrate them,” said the source was quoted as showbizspy.
Not only that flattering Kate Victoria with dress-dress, wife of footballer David Beckham was also previously claimed to admire her figure. He said he is pretty young girl and has an attractive figure.
“Very impressive if he could wear my clothes. I would feel very honored, “says Victoria.
Prince William and his fiancée Kate Middleton will get married on April 29, 2011. William and Kate will honeymoon to Australia. And the plan he would dive on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Because Prince William is like diving.

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