Girl models magazine and coffee shop

Girl Models in Editorial Modeling

North West Model Agency believes editorial modeling is on the rise. The popularity in girl models magazine and coffee shop culture coupled with the rise of the internet has seen an explosion in the last few years of publications requiring editorial modeling promotion work. Editorial model publications can include literally any printed or photographic or internet material. North West Model Agency’s project managers have worked with a wide selection of publications all requiring editorial girl models.

What is Editorial Modeling?

North West Model Agency considers Editorial modeling to be just as important as any other girl models discipline. It is easy to define in that it can be literally used for anything. It is sometimes known as stock photography modeling, though it is rarely referred to as this.

Editorial modeling is used to ‘fill in’ or ‘round off’ publications and is used in many magazines where an article has been written about a given subject and they need an image to ‘fill in’ the space. This can range from family girl models photos to single high impact images. The scope is so huge and sometimes so specialized that it takes a professional female models agency such as North West Model Agency to match the female model, the photographer and the assignment together.

Girl Models in Editorial ModelingPublications can also include adverts, websites, and brochures. The list is almost limited to the imagination of the marketing department. The advantage editorial modeling has over other forms is the lack of height, age, or weight restrictions. This makes it an ideal career for girls who do not fit the sample size required by fashion modeling houses.

Remember that editorial modeling can include just about anything, though it rarely include glamour modeling. More often than not it will simply be a photo shoot trying to make the ‘normal’ look great. Editorial modeling is open to both men and women equally.

Technology in Editorial Modeling
With the onset of digital photography it is possible to get very high definition (commonly called Ultra High Quality or UHQ) Editorial girl models photos almost instantly.

North West Model Agency’s studio can also deal with new media and the internet. This is the fastest growing area of editorial modeling, and one which many old school girl models and photographers do not understand. North West Model Agency can guide you through the advantages of having an online girl models portfolio and how to promote your image. It’s to our advantage that we make our models as well known as possible!

Future of Editorial Modeling
North West Model Agency believes the future of editorial modeling lies very much in cyber space.

Editorial modeling is changing, make no mistake it has to if it is to survive. Editorial modeling has languished in the prehistoric age for far too long. This can be partially attributed to the industry being formed on the old print press method of publication (calendars, magazines, tabloids). It is no secret that print is in decline and many female models agencies are missing out on the new media and an increase in broadband access.

North West Model Agency is highly experienced in online girl models promotion and the use of photographic material on the internet.

North West Model Agency’s one stop shop approach to editorial female modeling is a fantastic starting point for potential and experienced editorial models alike.


Teenage editorial modeling has numerous commercial models from fashion modeling agency to achieve models jobs. Commercial modeling offers best modeling career opportunities for teen girls and boys models.

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