A different kind of Saturday

As any kinda so called "normal" Saturday, "I" the DAMN! writer would go out with
me mates for a little movie or 2, follow the "Comic Book" guy on his mis-adventures
for finding my comics or going clubbing with my "drinkin'" buddies...but this Saturday
was different!
"I" the writer was invited by my X! lecturer for a reading!? DAMN!

She! The X! lecturer was getting her 15 minutes of fame, it was at the Bangsar. My
1st thought of "bookworms/writers gathering at 1 spot was, DAMN! There were going
to be some @$ kicking English spoken at this place! Where these writers would act
like the British with tea cups on their fingertips speaking about sophisticated stuff, like
"I just wrote a wonderfully wonderful article last Wednesday, I was pleased on the
response I got from the critics" then laughs all so softly with her hand beside her
mouth "hahaha".

But! Seems like "I" the writer was wrong! There were actually nice peeps at this so called
tea party reading, promoting & advertising their material as they went along. Among the
readers were some ill with a freaking wonderful spirit! A person trying to keep her late
dad's book alive, plus! A fund raising cause for a girl who needs
to raise money for her

What did "I" do? "I" the freaking writer just sat along the side-line of this crowd, admiring &
thinking, WOW! DAMN! What a cute chick! NOT! Well "I" just like to sit & notice the humans
as they interact with one another, watching
the young & old alike mixing & communicating in
different forms & languages was kinda interesting.

The day did not end there! "I" the "so called" writer was then pulled to a place of many
happenings, The Annexe Gallery for "KL SING SONG 2009: The 5th Annual Showcase of
Malaysian Singer Songwriters"
A night where, local song writers would shine & show case
their talent to promote "local" music, some sang in English, Malay & even in Chinese,
but why are there not any Indian singers? Well maybe there was enough scape for trees?
Get it? Trees! Ahhh! Well think about it.

Yes! This is a picture from my "going to be replaced soon" phone. While others hold onto
their "huge" camera with gigantic lances, "I" just put my all so small camera on me lap &
took a pic with a huge FLASH! He is said to be a "Legend" in his time, being as ignorant
as "I" the writer always am, "I" the freaking writer ponders, WHO? "I" think he is

A tiring & educating day it was for me, "I" felt like "I" was in school, those "Rombongan
Sambil Belajar" trips, or in the language of the British, English, a field trip. NUFF SAID!

PLUS! Top 10 Mysteries of the Male Heart

Yet another survey from the Land of Ultraman! This time, Japanese women
asked what it is they found in "freaking" explicable about the male
romantic behavior!

The results:
1. He asks you for advice but becomes angry when you give it.

2. When you are alone together his attitude differs completely from when you are
with other people.

3. He never expresses things directly with words but instead makes you read between
the lines.

4. He uses "I’ll break up with you" as a bargaining chip.

5. He immediately wants any new product.
6. He relaxes after you’ve only just started dating.
7. Your love for him is measured by the frequency of your calls and emails.
8. He wants to make you say "I love you".
9. He’s angry with you if you actually go home after he asks you to.
10. His feelings are hurt if you fail to notice a change in hairstyle.

- coming to a store near you!

quote of the day!
C'mon, Young Blood. Don't kill me, man. I got a mothafuckin' girlfriend.
I got a wife on the side.

-Next Friday- Pinky

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